unearth with grace


“There are things in life that come to you so strongly with no why or particular tangible explanation. Seeking Grace for the reiki medicine she offers, every cell in my being knew I needed to lean into it. I am so eternally grateful for the experience of healing and restoration that is now working within me. In the session with Grace, I felt held and seen in ways I hadn't before. She created a space that allowed my being to reach deep within itself. The medicine has been working through me for months and I continue to open into myself. In our second session Grace focused on my throat chakra and trusting the depths of the intuitive body to speak, act, and existence from that sense of self. I was conditioned to silence my intuition, to suppress the fire within, to submit to the order of the material world. Grace channeled the medicine of the universe and reconnected my spirit with Prana. Words could not begin to do justice to this goddess. Thank you Grace, my love for you runs as deep as the oceans you showed me within.”
