Swallow me, Southern Fire. Teach me to dance through the realms of transformation.

enter the gateway…

kundalini immersion

may 26 - june 22, 2024

In this 5-week apprenticeship, 8 souls have the opportunity to be immersed in the ancient teachings of Raja (Royal) Yoga, the oldest system of yoga & uncover why the sacred practice of Kundalini was kept a secret for thousands of years.

Grace offers weekly in-person ceremonies every Sunday from 9am to 2pm and 1:1 mentorship* held in their private healing garden in San Diego, CA. The closing ceremony will be an all-day retreat during the peak of the Summer Solistice.

*may include personalized instruction and a space for deeper integration of kundalini technologies + facilitation.

At our core, we each have an infinite capacity to live and thrive and be born again. A seed of genius planted in all of us. And yet there is so much stress in the world. So many fried nervous systems and crowded minds. All while the rhythm of capitalism stays churning as more of our bodies numb and burn out.

Everything has a rhythm. Your body, the land, your relationships, and our very society all have a unique rhythm. When you are not “in rhythm,” you start to feel the pressure of misalignment. Stress. What if you could command the rhythm of your life? What if you’re not behind, but rather relearning what you might need to be in a more harmonious rhythm with yourself, the beings around you, with the Earth, with your surroundings?

Kundalini Yoga is an invitation to realign yourself daily to the tempo of your internal rhythm and the rhythm of the world around you. The human system has access to 30 trillion watts of energy but most of us are running on 120. It’s the waking up and amping up of these energies that will take you from habitual human suffering to the very nucleus of your creative infinity.

When you feed the ten bodies you are attuning all of You to fully hold all of your creative pulse. We start our days by waking up and balancing our systems through meditation, to enhance sensitivity & receive greater revelation, pranayama, to wield the massive amount of energy (prana, life force) needed to amplify intelligence and originality, and asana (physical movements) to be malleable and strong in our physical vessels to dance with the void of the unknown with grace. We learn that we have and will always have the ability to create a tangible life that is art: unique, profound, and activating for all you come in contact with. When you are devoted to stoking your fire you become an agent of change and your life organically becomes a spark of fire to light others up with.

This is the transformative medicine of Kundalini Yoga.



click enroll now to complete your application! Grace will be in touch via email to schedule a 1:1 complementary discovery call. :)

a 5-week initiation for the rising facilitator

  • WEEK ONE: Fire Serpent Awakens

    solar plant allyship

    soma + southern fire

    land to body co-regulation

    command your nervous system

  • WEEK TWO: The Origins

    the secrets of Raja Yoga

    honoring the lineage

    decolonization & commitment to reciprocity

    shiva, shakti and the spine

  • WEEK THREE: Anatomy of Prana

    the ten body system

    energetic body mapping

    bandhas + drishti + mudra

    master your energy field

  • WEEK FOUR: The Voice of the Void

    trauma-informed space holding

    mantra + vocal reclamation

    channeling akasha

    theta transmissions

  • WEEK FIVE: Summer Solistice Retreat

    aquarian sadhana

    cosmic rhythms

    embody your medicine

    closing ceremony